Guide to Guys

Guy Guide

So being born a woman we are blessed with these HUGE (I mean HUGE hehe) brains, but the downside of that is we seem to over analyze everything!.. right? Guys are actually pretty simple and when we don't understand them they probably don't even understand themselves. The obvious which makes it hard to understand guys is that they are completely different from us.

If you are over analyzing whether a guy likes you or not and are trying to read between the lines of what he is saying then you probably need to read the book "He's Just not that into You" :) It is kind of depressing to hear the truth, but that is what you need to move on & quit wasting your time with Mr. wrong.

Whether you are single searching for Mr. Right (or just Mr. Right Now) or 
you're in a relationship femWeapon will help you gain the know how so you
can handle any man.

  • Dating Tips & Advice
  • The Ideal Woman through His Eyes
  • Steps to Attracting Your Prince Charming
  • Steamy Secrets & Tips for The Bedroom
  • Male Management - Strategies to Getting Your Way
  • Why You Lost The Love Spark & Ways to Reignite It
  • Ways to Keep Him Interested
  • How To Make Sure He Will Never Cheat on You
  • Moving on & Gaining Your Confidence after a Break-up